الأسعار تبدأ من:
20 AED
الجدول الزمني
27 سبتمبر (الجمعة)


Start Time


First Innings Ends


Second Innings Ends

29 سبتمبر (الأحد)


Start Time


First Innings Ends


Second Innings Ends

2 اكتوبر (الأربعاء)


Start Time


First Innings Ends


Second Innings Ends

4 اكتوبر (الجمعة)


Start Time


First Innings Ends


Second Innings Ends

7 اكتوبر (الإثنين)


Start Time


First Innings Ends


Second Innings Ends

Ireland v South Africa Men's

الجدول الزمني
27 سبتمبر (الجمعة)


Start Time


First Innings Ends


Second Innings Ends

29 سبتمبر (الأحد)


Start Time


First Innings Ends


Second Innings Ends

2 اكتوبر (الأربعاء)


Start Time


First Innings Ends


Second Innings Ends

4 اكتوبر (الجمعة)


Start Time


First Innings Ends


Second Innings Ends

7 اكتوبر (الإثنين)


Start Time


First Innings Ends


Second Innings Ends

  • ADULT : 50 AED
  • CHILD ( under 12) : 20 AED
  • Children below 3 years of age are allowed to enter without a ticket but won’t be allotted a separate seat.
  • Spectators above 12 years of age will be required to avail the adult tickets. (AED 50)
  • Age categories will have to be verified basis valid ID at point of sale on match days.
  • Ticket price allows ticket holder access to stadium and unallocated seating in the South Stand.
  • No food and beverage is include in the ticket price.
  • Parking – Spectators can park in P3.
1. All matches are played in accordance with the rules and regulations of the Cricket Ireland. The Ground Regulations apply to all Cricket Ireland host venues.
2. Play cannot be guaranteed on any day.
3. Admission and the right to remain in the ground is strictly on the condition that spectators shall not commit any of the following acts:
- Failing to comply with the directions given by a member of the ground authority including, but not limited to, stewards, security staff and garda/police officers.
- Going onto the playing area at any time or interfering with the normal course of play in any manner. (on some matchdays, spectators may walk on the outfield or play using soft balls during the lunch and tea intervals). Spectators are not allowed on the outfield, at any time. This is at management’s discretion.
- Throwing or discharging missiles - Leave belongings unattended - Obstructing any gangway, passageway, or alleyway. - Climbing on any seat, building, wall, fence, fitting or fixture.
- Defacing or obscuring any notice or advertisement displayed within the ground
- Offering for sale on the ground any newspapers, periodicals, or any other articles without the express permission of the Club management.
- Interfering in any way with the comfort, enjoyment or safety of spectators or players, including:
  • The use of any anti-social or discriminatory language or gestures.
  • Making unnecessary noise such as that from the use of radios, whistles, bells, cans or persistent chanting, in any part of the ground.
  • Unreasonably obstructing the view of other spectators.
  • Carrying offensive weapons of any kind.
  • Causing damage to, including writing upon, any of the Club’s premises. 
6. No metal tipped umbrellas, metal cutlery or breakable kitchenware can be brought into the ground. 
7. No dogs are allowed to be brought into the venue on matchdays, apart from working dogs.
8. The flying of drones or any other human controlled aerial object above any part ground is prohibited without specific permission.
9. During the hours of play, radios may only be used with earpieces or headphones.
10. Filming, photography and broadcasting takes place during events at the ground. All persons at the ground give their express consent to the use of their actual or simulated likeness and voice in connection with the production, exploitation and advertising of the event without compensation or credit, throughout the world.
11. It is not permitted to make use of a mobile telephone, computer or other kind of communication device either (i) to communicate or in any way transmit any form of commentary, data or other material in relation to a cricket match taking place at the ground for any kind of improper betting or other corrupt or unlawful purpose; or (ii) to conduct betting activity in a public pitch-facing part of the ground in a way which, in the ground (or its appointed nominee’s) opinion, otherwise brings the game or the ground into disrepute or which offends (or is likely to offend) other spectators.
Any person who is reasonably suspected by Cricket Ireland (or its appointed nominees), of acting in breach of this provision unconditionally accepts and agrees that he/she will cooperate with any enquiries made by Cricket Ireland (or its appointed nominees), including by providing his/her name and address, an explanation for his/her suspicious conduct, and/or agreeing that he/she may be photographed and/or filmed by Cricket Ireland (or its appointed nominees).
The person accepts that any such names, addresses, photographs and films may be shared between each of the CI, all the other provincial unions, relevant official cricket authorities and any relevant police and crime prevention authorities, for the purposes of any criminal investigations or proceedings, in connection with any investigation into a potential breach of domestic or international cricket anti-corruption rules and/or to enable the CI and the other provincial unions to give reciprocal effect to any ban on entry which is subsequently imposed by Cricket Ireland. Personal data collected under this provision will be processed in accordance with the relevant data protection regulations.

The above regulations are issued alongside CI regulations and guidelines. 

The Ground Authority, Stewards, Security Staff or Garda/Police will ask any offender contravening the Ground Regulations to leave the ground and they will not be re-admitted and could be liable for prosecution.


موقع الفعالية
South Stand, Zayed Cricket Stadium, Abu Dhabi
A - Abu Dhabi Cricket & Sports Hub - Khalifa City - Abu Dhabi - United Arab Emirates
اطلع على الخريطة لمعرفة الاتجاه الصحيح
South Stand, Zayed Cricket Stadium, Abu Dhabi
ما الذي يميز منصة بلاتينوم لِست عن غيرها؟
عملية شراء آمنة
عملية شراء آمنة
دفع سريع وآمن
تأكيد فوري
تأكيد فوري
خدمة ضمان استرجاع اختيارية
الموقع الرسمي لبيع التذاكر
الموقع الرسمي لبيع التذاكر
أكثر من 10 مليون مستخدم
خدمة العملاء على مدار الساعة
خدمة العملاء على مدار الساعة
فريق دعم مخصص لخدمة العملاء وإدارة البيع
اختيار طريقة الدفع المناسبة لك
ما الذي يميز منصة بلاتينوم لِست عن غيرها؟
عملية شراء آمنة
عملية شراء آمنة
دفع سريع وآمن
تأكيد فوري
تأكيد فوري
خدمة ضمان استرجاع اختيارية
الموقع الرسمي لبيع التذاكر
الموقع الرسمي لبيع التذاكر
أكثر من 10 مليون مستخدم
خدمة العملاء على مدار الساعة
خدمة العملاء على مدار الساعة
فريق دعم مخصص لخدمة العملاء وإدارة البيع
اختيار طريقة الدفع المناسبة لك