Emirates Palace Hotel - Auditorium

Emirates Palace Hotel - Auditorium

Upcoming Events
New York Legends at Broadway Theater, Emirates Palace, Abu Dhabi
290.00 AED
20 May–21 May

New York Legends at Broadway Theater, Emirates Palace, Abu Dhabi You don’t want to miss this killer line-up! The Comedy God Father: Tony Woods, Rom-Com Specialist: Ian Lara, Smooth Operator: Simeon Goodson, Broadway Baby: Mina Liccione and the Hilarious Haitian: Wil Sylvince. You’ve seen them on Netflix, Comedy Central, HBO, MTV and more! No need for a visa to NYC, you get to see them live in Abu Dhabi!

Emirates Palace was operated by the luxury hotel group Kempinski Hotels & Resorts. The world's most expensive
hotel was built and is owned by the Abu Dhabi government. The city, which is the United Arab Emirates' capital makes a great impression on the Middle East corporate tourism being the biggest rival of Dubai. The 3 billion $ cost hotel was opened in 2005 and is a colossal standstone itself.
Emirates Palace Hotel - Auditorium
West Corniche Road - Al Ras Al Akhdar - Abu Dhabi - United Arab Emirates
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Emirates Palace Hotel - Auditorium

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